Saturday, April 28, 2012

Procrastinating from packing

The last blog I wrote and this blog share the same title because, well...I am procrastinating from packing. Since I am running out of things to procrastinate with, I thought I would try by writing in here.

I leave bright and early tomorrow morning to fly back to Korea. I will leave the house at 4:30 Eastern time and fly out of Chicago at 12:45 Central time. Then, I will arrive in Seoul at 1620 Sunday.

Then, my driver will drive me to my apartment (maybe another 2 hour drive with traffic) where I will meet my co-teacher. I will start work bright and early the next morning.

I was supposed to start work two weeks ago but because of a delay in paperwork and the post office not being able to locate my passport/visa I am arriving a little behind schedule. I hear that I have missed a lot of rain and will be flying in to warm and sunny temperatures now so I am not too upset! ;)

This year I will be working at a public elementary school (again) about 2 1/2 hour subway ride away from where I lived last year. I will be working in Bundang (imae-dong) which is a really nice area directly outside of Seoul. It's basically the convenience of living in Seoul with really awesome parks and mountain trails to hike. The best of both worlds!

This year, I am going to try to use this blog as more of an informative tool for people trying to find out information about living in Korea. I noticed when I was trying to search for information about the area I will live in, etc. that there really isn't much on the internet from people who actually live there. At least, not in English! So, I will post a video of my apartment and try to be more mindful of information that may be of use for someone who is looking into teaching in this area.

But for now, I should probably stop procrastinating and start packing again.


  1. Even though I wasn't there with you, I'll miss you! ;__;

  2. Miss you!! Glad you're back on the adventure trail! :)
