Wednesday, August 29, 2012

All is quiet once again

Quiet, perhaps, but certainly not dull! I have been extremely busy (and about to get more so) this past week.  I have decided to become more productive with all of the spare time that an English teacher is blessed with.  So, I have started taking some free online classes.  These classes are equivalent to a class one would take at an University.  This is a good way for me to continue to keep my brain cells alive as teaching basic English at an elementary level, apparently, is not.

This week I have started my sustainability class.  So far it has been very interesting.  While it promises to be a lot of work it's definitely worth it.  In a few weeks I will be starting a history class and possibly a class on Greek and Roman mythology.

Teaching is going to well.  I still haven't taught a full week since coming back from camp. This was supposed to be the first "full" week but the students didn't have to come to school tomorrow because we were supposed to have been hit by a typhoon.  Which definitely did not happen.  It was rather anti-climatic.  It didn't even really rain except for maybe 15 minutes around lunch time.

So to sum up, lately my life has been full of lesson planning, reading, writing papers, and taking notes while fitting in an absurd amount of teacher dinners in.  (Not that I mind about the dinners...I swear my life has been revolving around food lately.)  

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Curiosity killed the cat...

This past Saturday was fun.  Alex had some friends, Chris and Emily, in town visiting from Singapore.  I decided to tag along for a day of fun with them.

First, we visited the base where Alex works and were able to play with helicopters! This is the helicopter I played in. :)

 The inside looks very complicated and was definitely cramped.  But it was pretty cool to see.   There were also many more outside (and inside where we were while they were being worked on).

After playing with the helicopters we headed over for some yummy Korean food for lunch while we made plans for the day.  We were heading over to the fish market where Emily and Alex were going to eat Sannakji--or live octopus.  Chris was on the fence and I was a definite no.  Since I am not even a fan of sea food in general there was no way that I would try something that was still alive.

Eventually we wandered over to the market.  I was actually surprised that it was inside--for some reason I had a picture of it being an outdoor thing.  So we wandered around looking at rows and rows of...dead and alive animals of the sea.

We eventually came to one booth and the lady asked if we wanted to buy the octopus.  We asked where they would prepare it for us and she pointed for us to follow another lady.  The second lady took the bag with our snack and we followed her down what seemed like at the time to be a rather long and isolated alleyway/ramp.  At the bottom was a restaurant where they prepare whatever seafood was bought at the market and then serve it like they would a regular restaurant.  So we all had a seat and waited for them to bring it out to us.

Here is the video of that experience.

After that we had to decide what to do with the...body section.  So, brave Alex decided he would give it a try.

Once this was over, we decided to get some real food and then ended the night by playing some card games.  Overall quite the day.  I guess this is another time when I should never say never.

PS--that was probably the most disgusting thing I have ever done in my entire life.