Monday, July 16, 2012

Time flies in Korea

It's hard to believe it's the middle of July already.  I have spent most of this month feeling a little sick on and off for most of the month.  I think it's all the weather fluctuations.  This past weekend I got really sick with a stomach bug.  I blame it on eating food that the kids prepared.

I'm feeling a lot better today, although still a little under the weather.  Things at work have been super busy.  I am still preparing for my summer lesson plans for camp that starts next week.  I am about 85% done with them which is nice.

In two weeks it's my birthday and in three weeks it's my vacation.  I am really looking forward to vacation.

There is not much to write about as I haven't ventured too far from home this month.  I made it to a baseball game one weekend so that was fun.  I haven't been doing nearly as much "touristy" stuff that I did last year--although that will probably pick up after the 3 month point as then I will be receiving full salary instead of the reduced.

That's pretty much all there is to update on right now. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Monsoon season is upon us!

"Oh wait.  Not really.  Just kidding!"  --Mother Nature

The rains started on Saturday.  And boy did it rain.  Monsoon season is about two weeks or so later than it was last year and so I assumed that when the rains started it wouldn't be stopping anytime soon.  But after a day of raining, it stopped shortly after dinner time that same day.

Of course it would rain on the day we did our school trip.  I have to admit that a few times (mostly when we were climbing up or sliding down the side of a mountain) I had the thought, "These people are crazy.  Don't they know that rainy days are perfect for staying indoors, dry?"  But, I suppose if they had that attitude then they would never leave during the summer months.

Despite the rain, the trip was fun.  We hiked a little, went through a cave, ate delicious food, and had good company.  There was also the historical aspect of visiting a king's tomb and visiting where he was exiled so his uncle could rule instead.

Apparently the rains will be back later this week so we'll see if they actually stick around this time.  Right now it's in the upper 80's and sunny.