While I didn't have any cake this year (which is ok with me as the cake here is SWEET) this may have been one of the best birthdays. In fact, I think it wins that title by the sole fact that I was able to celebrate my birthday by an additional 13 hours. ;)
Friday, my birthday in Korean time, started with me teaching summer camp. It was the last day for the 3-4 years. Since it was the last day they behaved, I had an awesome lesson that they loved, and it all went well. I love when that happens. After school ended, my co-teacher, Miranda (the new English teacher) and myself went out to dinner! Miss Kim brought us to a place called "Tasha's Garden." (http://www.tashagarden.com/) This place is brilliant. It is full of knick knacks from all over the world. The vivid color was just overwhelming as there was so much to look at. And the food was delicious.

There was so much of it! When we thought surely we must have been on our last course...they start bringing out the traditional Korean food. Yum. After we ate we headed to the little room pictured about where I enjoyed some coffee and the ladies enjoyed some plum tea.
Overall, Birthday Day One was relaxing and very nice. I throughly enjoyed every moment of it.
Birthday Day Two started early in the morning. I was headed into Seoul to meet up with Alex and Kat to enjoy my birthday brunch! Now, this wasn't an ordinary birthday brunch. Oh no. This was an authentic AMERICAN brunch. Mmm...bacon. We had brunch at one of the American Army bases in Seoul thanks to Alex. I was in heaven. From the moment we set foot on base it felt like I was back in America. It was surreal.
I had three plates full of bacon and sausage with a side of hash browns and eggs. :-p After we walked around the base a little bit we headed over to meet up with Jacob and Miranda. Kat parted ways and the four of us headed over to Building 63.
I went to Building 63 with Corrie in February during my winter vacation. When we went it was in the middle of the weekday and so it was busy but not dreadfully so. I forgot that this was a Saturday and vacation for half of Korea so it was packed. I still had fun though. We went to an IMAX movie on surfing in Tahiti. It made me want to surf and go to Tahiti...but not surf in Tahiti as the waves are pretty brutal there.
We went to "sea world" which is the aquarium there. Then, we headed down to the Wax museum where I had entirely too much fun. Jacob could attest to me giggling away as I took pictures with the wax figures. I decided that I would take all of my pictures with the arm outstretched. This place entertained me for a while.
After that fun ended the group split in half for a bit. Miranda and Jacob headed out to say good bye to our friend that was leaving Korea and Alex and I headed over to pick up some tickets to a show we were seeing that night. After we picked up the tickets we walked around until we found somewhere to eat. As we were standing outside of this small Korean restaurant the owner came out and invited us in so we headed in and sat down. After brief misunderstanding of what was on the menu and what we wanted to order we eventually got some food brought out to us.
Then more food.
And then more food.
And yet...still some more food.
I swear they eat so much food in Korea!
During the first serving (not realizing just how much food we were going to end up with) I told Alex that I hoped he was hungry as I was still full from brunch. ...Three courses later, I was very happy but VERY full. Korean food is so good.
After dinner we met up with Miranda and Jacob again and headed over to watch a show. It was called "Breakout Dance Comedy Show" and was absolutely hilarious. I enjoyed every single moment of it. So for 80 full minutes I felt like I was laughing the entire time. A perfect way to end the perfect day.
And now I am on summer holiday for the week and a half. Perfect. :-D

There was so much of it! When we thought surely we must have been on our last course...they start bringing out the traditional Korean food. Yum. After we ate we headed to the little room pictured about where I enjoyed some coffee and the ladies enjoyed some plum tea.
Overall, Birthday Day One was relaxing and very nice. I throughly enjoyed every moment of it.
Birthday Day Two started early in the morning. I was headed into Seoul to meet up with Alex and Kat to enjoy my birthday brunch! Now, this wasn't an ordinary birthday brunch. Oh no. This was an authentic AMERICAN brunch. Mmm...bacon. We had brunch at one of the American Army bases in Seoul thanks to Alex. I was in heaven. From the moment we set foot on base it felt like I was back in America. It was surreal.
I had three plates full of bacon and sausage with a side of hash browns and eggs. :-p After we walked around the base a little bit we headed over to meet up with Jacob and Miranda. Kat parted ways and the four of us headed over to Building 63.
I went to Building 63 with Corrie in February during my winter vacation. When we went it was in the middle of the weekday and so it was busy but not dreadfully so. I forgot that this was a Saturday and vacation for half of Korea so it was packed. I still had fun though. We went to an IMAX movie on surfing in Tahiti. It made me want to surf and go to Tahiti...but not surf in Tahiti as the waves are pretty brutal there.
We went to "sea world" which is the aquarium there. Then, we headed down to the Wax museum where I had entirely too much fun. Jacob could attest to me giggling away as I took pictures with the wax figures. I decided that I would take all of my pictures with the arm outstretched. This place entertained me for a while.
After that fun ended the group split in half for a bit. Miranda and Jacob headed out to say good bye to our friend that was leaving Korea and Alex and I headed over to pick up some tickets to a show we were seeing that night. After we picked up the tickets we walked around until we found somewhere to eat. As we were standing outside of this small Korean restaurant the owner came out and invited us in so we headed in and sat down. After brief misunderstanding of what was on the menu and what we wanted to order we eventually got some food brought out to us.
Then more food.
And then more food.
And yet...still some more food.
I swear they eat so much food in Korea!
During the first serving (not realizing just how much food we were going to end up with) I told Alex that I hoped he was hungry as I was still full from brunch. ...Three courses later, I was very happy but VERY full. Korean food is so good.
After dinner we met up with Miranda and Jacob again and headed over to watch a show. It was called "Breakout Dance Comedy Show" and was absolutely hilarious. I enjoyed every single moment of it. So for 80 full minutes I felt like I was laughing the entire time. A perfect way to end the perfect day.
And now I am on summer holiday for the week and a half. Perfect. :-D
Wow! Sounds like you had a very memorable Birthday!