Friday, February 25, 2011

A lovely "lunch."

Today, during lunch time I decided to explore a trail my co-teacher mentioned during the first or second week here. It is right behind the school and she said that another English teacher used to walk the trail quite a bit during the lunch period.  Since it is nice and sunny outside (and I am restless from sitting at a desk all day) I decided to take a look at it.

I discovered that it is a really nice trail that is paved.  An added bonus is that it is near the river! (You know me and trails down near the river...could there be a better place in the world than that? I think not.)  So I took a nice 40 minute walk out in the sun today. It was absolutely brilliant.

Along the walk I passed a section of earth that appears as though it will be a very large garden in the spring. The smell of manure wafted through the air as I passed, further confirming my suspicions. It reminded me of home.  ^_^ ( "Smells like money" right dad? ;-)

I was very happy that I finally made it down to the trail. I am certain I will make it down there again, soon. It was a nice walk to clear my head while getting out of the school for a bit.

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