Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Right then

I should probably update this.  It's been a while! (Ok, so I don't feel like it's been that long at all but that's only because time flies while in Korea.) 

First of all, I realized today just how PC everything is in America now.  I was writing up a lesson plan for the kindergarten class here and I thought about how they like to sing, "10 little Indians" to me.  The Korean Kindergarten teacher actually had to remind me how the song went as ...well...it's been a while since I have heard it.  It would definitely no longer be sung in an American school.  It's always very interesting to see small little things like that--it reminds me that I am indeed, no longer in America as sometimes it's easy to forget!


I could write about my trip to the DMZ.  But, that would probably take a lot of time and I don't have any pictures to post on here at the moment.  They are on facebook though, so you can see them there.  So, I'll just say that it was very interesting.  I went in the tunnel that the N. Koreans dug to "mine" which goes into S. Korea (that was pretty cool...and very long).  I also went into the building where they (N and S Korea, along with the various other officials) meet to discuss diplomatic issues.  Which means that yes, I was technically in North Korea. 

That was a fun and interesting day.  And the weather was actually nice enough to stop raining so I could enjoy it! Don't worry though, the rain is back.  Lots and lots of rain.

So the DMZ tour was two weekends ago.  This past weekend on Saturday I headed into Seoul to meet up with some friends.  We went to the "Secret Gardens" which are these awesome gardens behind one of the main palaces.  Absolutely beautiful.  And green.  And once again mother nature was kind and it didn't rain.  Although it was incredibly hot and humid.  After we took that tour, we went in search of peanut butter, as our Russian friend has never tried it before!  We found some, bananas, and then went in search of a chocolate cafe where we consumed the yummy chocolate, peanut butter, bananas, and played euchre! 

I felt like I was back in Michigan again. :)

I also have pictures from that day, but I haven't posted them yet. 

Right now at school we are on our last week of classes.  Next week is week one of summer camp!  I am especially excited for this week as it's 5th and 6th grade.  I think we'll have a lot of fun.  Also, I managed to get my hands on some American candy thanks to an awesome friend so they should be very happy.  I teach summer camp for two weeks, have two weeks off, and then teach one more week of summer camp before the new semester starts.

I am excited for the two weeks off! I don't have anything in particular planned (my plans to go to SE Asia fell through because of having to change my dates for summer camp) but I am sure I'll find something to occupy my time with. 

And.  That's everything.  Nothing exciting to report!

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