Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Been meaning to update this...

Today, a student (that I don't have in any of my classes) came up and said hello to me.  Then, in a concerned voice,
she said, "Your name is Jessica, right?"
me, "That's right."
her, "Sometimes, do you cry?"
me, "  Sure.  I cry sometimes."  (?)
her, "Oh. Yeah..."
me, "why?"
her, "I mean, because you are so sick. Does it make you cry?"
me, "...oh.  I'm not sick anymore.  I am ALL better."
her, "that's good! bye!"
me, "bye..."

This may explain why my 3rd grade students have been asking me lately, "Are you ok?!"  I'm pretty sure they think I am dying or something.

In other news...

It's monsoon season in Korea!  While so far it's been a little disappointing (one typhoon which was pretty weak if you ask me), the season is still young.  And I already miss the sun.  I did get adorable rainboots (which have heels--only in Korea) and a rain jacket for the occasion.  Although they don't really do much for keeping me dry.  And the shoes (like every other pair I own) make my feet bleed. :(  Somehow I still end up drenched.  It's a good thing I like rain! :-p

I was also able to get two "normal" sized towels at the same place I bought my rainboots!!!!! (yes, this statement deserves that many exclaimation marks. Trust me.)  They use tiny hand towels here, so it was like I struck gold when I found a standard sized towel.  That was a few weeks ago and I am still quite happy about it. :)

There's not much else to update on other than to say I am going to North Korea this weekend.  0:-)  I promise to behave.  (So, technically I am going to the DMZ and there is a place where if you stand on one side of the room you are officially IN North Korea.)

That's pretty much everything. 

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