My adventure finally starts tomorrow! I shall leave my parents house with my dad at around 10:30am eastern time. I shall arrive in Chicago where I will pick up my visa at 3:30p Central time. Then dad and I will kill some time before I am dropped off at the airport (around 9:00p central time). I depart at 1am central time (2 eastern) and arrive at 6am Seoul time Wednesday (4p Eastern time Tuesday.)
Is your head spinning yet with all of the time changes? I know mine will be!
Once I arrive there and leave the airport I will eventually make it to the school by 9am Seoul time to start my first day of class. I will be teaching 9a-5p (so 7pm-3am eastern time) before heading back to my apartment to unpack and head to the grocery store/tour of the city with Hero. Then my day starts all over again in the morning teaching.
It's going to be an extremely busy week, to say the least!
On top of all of the craziness of jumping right into everything without any time to really prepare myself mentally--I have been told that the next two weeks are a special "winter camp" for the students. This means that my co-teacher is on vacation (Korean is her first language and English her second) and I get to teach the students all by myself. While this wouldn't have been a big deal had I started teaching in December as I was supposed to, it will be especially interesting now as apparently some of the students don't know any English at all.
Say what?
I am hoping the fact that I will be extremely sleep deprived will work for my advantage.
I have decided that if I can survive the next two weeks then really I can do anything in the world. Maybe my next task will be to take over the world? Create peace between North and South Korea? All a piece of cake compared to this. ;-)
I love your blog!! I wish you all the best in Korea and I intend to follow your journey right here!