Friday, January 21, 2011

Another week

It's hard to believe that I have only been here for two weeks.  I feel as though it has been much longer...but in a good way, I think.

The most eventful news of the week was also, unfortunately, the biggest pain.  It was brought to my attention during dinner that I had missed 5 calls from my co-teacher.  Finally answering her call (as I had my phone on vibrate and therefore didn't realize it was ringing.  I mean, who's going to call me, anyway?  ;-) she was frantic on the other end, and I could make out something about my apartment being flooded, the land lord being there, and that I needed to hurry home.

One of the perks for being unattainable is that by the time I actually made it home, the majority of the water was cleaned up and K had the owners whipped into shape and cleaning up the mess. (Originally, they called her and told her that SHE had to clean up the mess--but she told them what was what.)  So thankfully I didn't have to deal with the actual cold water clean up.

You wouldn't even believe the mess, however, that the water caused.  It leaked out the door and all the way out the front of the building.  Everything inside was covered with 3 inches of water.  Thankfully, all of my electronics were on the table and therefore safe from the water!  There doesn't appear to be much damage (I have only thrown a few things away so far) but there is a damp feel/smell in the air that hasn't gone away yet.  Who knew a broken pipe could cause so much mess!

So the rest of last night and tonight was spent trying to clean.  It's not quite done yet but I think I need to get some cleaning supplies from the store to do the rest of it.  It definitely could have been much worse so I am thankful that it was only what it was!  (I am also thankful that I wasn't the one to have discovered it...)  On the plus side, I was able to leave school at 1:40 instead of 4:30 to go home and "clean" (yes, I definitely took a nap instead!) on the last day before my two week vacation! :)

There's not much else note-worthy other than to say that tomorrow I get internet!  That'll be nice, although not having reliable internet has forced me to be semi-productive.  Or maybe it has just forced me to watch far too many episodes of "24" on DVD.  That's being productive, right?

Oh, and another plus to the flood--I now know how to turn on hot water!  Glorious hot water.  Mmm.  So really this has all been a blessing in disguise.  ;-) 

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