Thursday, November 24, 2011

Jobs Jobs Jobs

Now that I have a little over one month left in Korea, the thought of where I will work next keeps entering my mind on a more frequent basis.  Do I want to come back to Korea for another year?  Overall, Korea has been a pleasant place to live, the money is great, and it's fun.  While I don't always feel as though I am teaching, I am sure the experience is invaluable.  That, and most of the really cool jobs that I want require 2+ years of teaching experience.
Or, do I want to move to a different country and teach English? The pay wouldn't be as good as Korea, but it would be a new place to explore. That's always a bonus.

Or, do I want to get a job teaching Social Studies in an International School?  That would be amazing (and definitely my first preference) but I feel as though once again I would probably need more experience.

I do know that teaching in the US has been ruled out. Not only is it boring to live in the US ;) but I would have to go back to get my Master's and well, I really can't be bothered with that right now.

I think about all of this now, but I really can't make any decisions one way or other until Jan. anyway.  I suppose it's always good to keep my options open.

Foreign Films

Have you ever watched a foreign film?  If you have, then you have probably noticed a time or two where the people are carrying on a minute conversation while all the subtitles only show something extremely short.  When that happens, I can't help but wonder what it was that I missed by not speaking the language.

Well, now that I have been editing papers that have clearly been translated directly from Korean (and not very well) I understand how a long statement is shortened down to one or two words.

For example, I just edited two paragraphs talking about the Independence Movement Day in Korea.  By the time I was finished, it was 2 sentences.  Short and to the point.  If I had to edit the subtitles (I wonder who has that job) I would probably do the same thing.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Warm weather

It's november 5th and 75 degrees.

I'll take it!

Tonight it's going to start raining and bring the temp down to the upper 50's/low 60's.  Still very warm for what I am used to.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Strangest moment in Korea (thus far)

I know I still have 2 months left of being here but I thought I would share my strangest moment in Korea as I am sure nothing will trump it.

The evening started out normal enough.  It was the beginning of August and I was heading into Seoul for the evening to hang out with some friends and watch a play.  I got on the subway for the almost 2 hour trip in and sat back to enjoy my music and a book.  About 20 minutes into the ride, an older man stumbled onto the train, reeking of beer and soju.  Of course the only seat available was right next to me.

Although he sat down, he didn't lean back and stayed on the edge of the seat.  I could see that he was doing something but I couldn't tell quite what.  I look across from where I was sitting and I could see a look of horror on the man's face as he was watching the man sitting next to me slowly undress himself.  

First, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.  Then, he took his tie off and threw it over his knee.  Finally, as he started with the buttons on his shirt, another commotion caused us to shift our attention elsewhere.

Another man just entered into the car of the subway holding his hand over his mouth.  Right as he arrived in front of the drunk old man next to me he suddenly throws up all over the man's feet.  Thankfully, from the way I was sitting none of it got on me.

This made the drunk old man stop undressing at least as he leaned back and closed his eyes as the other man just kept walking.  I decided that it was time for me to get off this subway and catch the next one! I couldn't handle anymore excitement after all of that!