Thursday, January 2, 2014

The little puppy has had a rough week

Poor Momoko.  This has been a rough week for her.  First, she moves to a new home.  Then, she goes to the vet and gets shaved completely.  Right as she was starting to feel better from that she started vomiting every time she ate and has been to the vet twice more.  Today she had an x-ray and blood work done.  There's no obvious cause of the vomiting but she does have pneumonia.  Right now she's at the vet getting an IV to rehydrate her.

It's only been 5 days since we got her so it's a lot to go through in one week.   Hopefully she'll feel a little better after the vet today.  If this is a chronic issue it could explain why she has been abandoned so much.  Hopefully it's not, but even if it is, we'll just deal with it and love on her when she's not feeling well.

Also, now we're being told she is 2 years, maybe 3 years of age.  Every time she goes to the vet she gets a year older! ;) 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Momoko and other updates

I am writing this with our newest addition to the family sitting on my lap.  Momoko, an adopted dog, has been to the vet today to get a checkup and grooming done.  Because they had to shave her completely (and really clean out her ears), she's a little traumatized and refuses to leave my lap.  But more on that in a minute.

First, some updates!

Ok, so Adam and I are moving back to the US for around a year.  We will arrive in Michigan around May 1st-2ndish.  After a trip to MI we will move down to Alabama where we will live and go to school.  We are attending an alternative program at West Florida University where we will receive our teaching licenses and all credit hours (12) towards a Masters degree at WFU.  After we receive that we will look into International jobs (or teaching on military bases abroad) as we aren't quite ready to stop being expats.  So we look forward to seeing everyone in a few months!

Because our original plan was different, and involved a lot more travelling after my contract, we were going to wait to adopt a puppy after we arrived in the States.  But then plans changed and we heard about Momoko (or Choco as her foster family called her).

We thought she was under a year old but apparently she's 1-2 years of age.  So she should be fully grown.  She also was terribly matted.  So, today she went and got a shave (poor thing, in the middle of winter, but it was so bad they were afraid it was already going to cut her skin and they couldn't wait any longer).  Now her mommy spoiled her with loads of jumpers and sweaters to wear inside and out. :D

Here are some cute pics of our little used-to-be-scruffball.

The last picture shows how scruffy she used to be.  Now hopefully her hair will grow out nice and smooth.  :D 

Sunday, October 13, 2013


I found the cutest pair of shoes this weekend!  Now, I am as tall as Adam. ;)  Perfect shoes to go with my dress for the wedding dinner in a few weeks!  Now I just have to find accessories.... :D

Friday, August 30, 2013

Let the countdown begin....

I only have two more weeks of teaching and then ONE week of vacation!

Which means... 18 more days until Japan!!!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekend with Adam

I had a great weekend with Adam.  We were able to plan some more and make some more decisions.  We also picked up our rings.  While I hate to post something like this on a public place, I have been receiving messages asking to see the ring.  It will be easier to post it in one place, so here it is. :)

Of course I love it. :)  And the band is twisted with the little diamonds on the side.  Then, the wedding band also has the little diamonds and fits into it.  It's really pretty as a set.

Things have been super busy here.  Only one more week of work and then a 2 week vacation, though! I can hardly wait.  I definitely need it.  

Sunday, July 21, 2013


This past weekend Adam and I got a lot of planning done for our Japan trip.  I'm getting super excited to go! These next few months will be busy--I am glad I get a 2 week vacation in two weeks!

A month (exactly) after the two week vacation, Adam and I will go to Japan for four days.

Then a month and a week after that will be our wedding.  A month after that will be the holiday season starting with Thanksgiving...

Every month for the rest of this year has something!  Things should die down a little after the New Year though.  At least it's all exciting and fun things to plan for. :) 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Successful Saturday

Adam and I had a busy day ahead of us today but were were able to check a few items off our list of things to do and to talk about.  Which means that hopefully we'll have some answers to some of the questions we have been getting.

1.  Are you getting married in Korea or America?
     We're getting married in Korea.  Then, when our contracts are up (at some point in 2014) we'll head home and have celebrations with our friends and families.  We'll keep you updated about this when it is closer to the date.  As of right now we don't know when exactly we'll be home as it'll depend on a few things that will be decided within the next few months.

2.  When are you getting married?
     So, Adam and I both want a fall wedding.  However, with our future in mind we want to be married before next fall (I'll get to why in another question) so that we can move on to the next job (abroad--sorry guys, not heading back to live in the States any time soon!).  So, we decided today that our wedding date will be October 26th, 2013.  Yep.  In a few short months.  Since we're having such a simple wedding here it's definitely more than feasible to do!  We decided to have a small ceremony in a park here.  It sounds simply lovely. :)

3.  What are you doing next?
    We haven't decided what exactly we're doing next.  My contract ends in May and Adam's ends in August.  After visiting home we'll head back abroad with a married couple job within Korea or another country.  We will do some more research about what the best options for us will be.

Other than that being discussed today we also went ring shopping!  We were able to get all three rings. :)  They're being sized right now but I'll be sure to post some pictures soon.

Now I just need to find an awesome dress that will go well with a fall wedding.  :) Exciting and busy months ahead for both of us!